Wonders of Creation Series - The Geology Book by John Morris

Wonders of Creation Series - The Geology Book by John Morris

Author: Dr. John D Morris
Grade: 4+
ISBN: 890512817
Price: $14.95
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Whether jutting skyward, or languishing in the murky depths of the deep, rocks and sediments hold our little planet together. Our planet is a most suitable home. Its practical benefits are also enhanced by the sheer beauty of rolling hills, solitary plains, churning seas and rivers and majestic mountains—all set in place by processes that are relevant to today’s entire population of this spinning rock we call home. In The Geology Book, creationist author Dr. John Morris takes the reader on a tour of the earth’s crust, pointing out both the natural beauty and the scientific evidences for creation. Profusely illustrated, this book presents an accurate view of earth’s natural history.

The Geology Book will teach you about:

  • Effects of erosion.
  • What really carved the Grand Canyon.
  • How thick the earth’s crust is.
  • Why the earth is unique for life.
  • The varied features of the earth’s surface—from plains to peaks.
  • How sedimentary deposition occurs through water, wind and ice.
  • Ways in which sediments become sedimentary rock.
  • Fossilization and the age of the dinosaurs.
  • The powerful effects of volcanic activity.
  • Radioisotopes and carbon dating.
  • Geologic processes of the past.
  • Continental drift theory.
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