Miss Nancy - Harvey Yoder

Miss Nancy - Harvey Yoder

Author: Harvey Yoder
ISBN: 1885270933
Retail Price: $11.99
Price: $13.79
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This is the inspiring and fascinating story of God's work in the life of an Amish missionary to Belize. Miss Nancy Coblentz is known and loved by thousands, from street waifs to statesmen, from paupers to a prime minister. Whether in drudgery, danger, or success, her dauntless faith and devotion have inspired and challenged countless people. You will be amazed at the God who uses ordinary people to produce extraordinary results. 276 pages.

Excerpt from chapter 11:

Yes, this was home. This was where she belonged. She enjoyed her visits to the States with relatives and friends, but Belize had truly become her home.

Through the cracks in the walls she heard footsteps outside. She turned off the lamp and went to the window. The security light shone on the lawn between her house and the chicken house. The two-story unit house stood solidly between her house and the road. The pole light illuminated the yard between the buildings.

Then she saw him. Terry was still outside, now wandering around inside the fence, brandishing his machete, obviously still angry with her. As she watched, he kept bumping into the bamboo fence. He would reel back and stand for a moment on shaky legs, then try to head off toward the road, only to bump into the fence again. He couldn't find the road to go home.

Nancy watched a while longer as the pitiful man attempted to find his way to the road. Then, pulling her robe around her, she went outside. She walked past the unit house where Terry was now fumbling around. She would have to help him find the exit.

"Nancy, be careful. He has a machete," the unit leader said quietly from the dark window in their upstairs bedroom. He must have been watching the scene.

"Terry," Nancy called clearly before she got too close. She did not want to startle him. "Let me help you find your way home."

Terry straightened as he heard her voice. He stared in her direction, perhaps thinking he was seeing a phantom.

Whish! The machete slashed toward her. Though unsteady, it made a menacing sound nonetheless.

Nancy stopped. With an unintelligible noise, Terry swished his blade through the night air once more...

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