Math In Focus Singapore Approach Grade 1 Kit 2nd Semester

Math In Focus Singapore Approach Grade 1 Kit 2nd Semester

Grade: 1
ISBN: 547428758
Price: $119.90
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Math in Focus presents the Singapore approach to math in a way that is easy to use and understand. Available for Kindergarten through 5th grade, Math in Focus: The Singapore Approach is the United States edition of Singapore’s most widely used program.
This set is designed to be used during the first half of the year. The teacher's guide features objectives, materials needed, and a list of page numbers; teaching instructions are provided in a step-by-step, listed format that's incredibly easy to see and read. Reduced student pages are given with the correct answers overlaid.

  • Carefully paced instruction that focuses on teaching fewer math topics per year to a level of mastery
  • Consistent use of visual models and manipulatives that carefully bridge the concrete and the abstract—encouraging algebraic thinking, facilitating communication of math ideas, and solidifying learning
  • Instruction centered around problem solving using multiple models to help students visualize and understand the math concepts
  • Ample practice for continuous ongoing assessment

This Math in Focus 1B kit includes:

  • Math in Focus Teacher's Edition Grade 1 Part B, 304 pages, indexed, spiralbound, soft front-cover, hard back-cover.
  • Math in Focus Student Book Grade 1 Part B, 318 pages, hardcover.
  • Math in Focus Student Workbook, Grade 1 Part B, 263 pages, softcover.
Includes $20 gift certificate.
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