Easy Grammar Ultimate Series Grade 12

Easy Grammar Ultimate Series Grade 12

Grade: 12
ISBN: 936981555
Price: $21.88
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Reproducible 180 daily teaching lessons; 10 minute lessons Materials presented in an easy, step-by-step approach Concepts build upon themselves Note: This is a teaching text set up in 10-minute, daily lessons like other EGUS* texts. However, the concepts are presented include both basic and more complex rules for capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Some concepts, such as catenative verbs, zero articles, and modal idioms, are introduced, but mastery is not required. A complete index for quick referencing is included. A section, "Beyond Easy Grammar," provides students with grammar's 4 aspects: orthography, syntax, etymology, and prosody. (No written work is required in this section.) Dr. Phillips believes that this is a "must" for all high school seniors; they will want to take this text to college or to the work place as a resource. In fact, college professors may want students to obtain this text. *Easy Grammar Ultimate Series Format: 1. Capitalization teaching and application 2. Punctuation teaching and application 3 & 4. Grammar, sentence combining, and other concepts 5. "Beyond Easy Grammar" - Orthography (Lessons 1-19) Sounds, syllables, words, and pronunciation - Syntax (Lessons 20-76) Sentence structures - Etymology (Lessons 77-173) Classification into parts of speech, derivation, and modification of words - Prosody (Lessons 174-180) Versification, the art of creating verse in poetry: Major feet: Iambus (Heroic, Alexandrine, and Iambic) Trochee, Anapest, and Dactyl
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